
Showing posts from January, 2018


CONTRACEPTION Or as I like to call it "a woman's painful way of being safe" against pregnancy. There are a few options we have not to get pregnant or get a nasty disease. Most of them involve only the female species. I like to talk about things that I've been through myself, so here is my story. I starting using the 2 month injection and in the beginning it worked fine. I was happy with not having to go through my menstrual cycle and the pain and discomfort that brings so on I went. After a few shots I started getting my period for weeks and weeks at a time but I listened to my nurse when she told me to push through. Don't be afraid to go for a second maybe even a third opinion if what you're using isn't working for you.  Well I got fed up. I went to someone else who gave me the implant option and I took it. So while it wasn't sore when they "implanted" the little thing it does hurt afterwards when the life comes back. Apparen...