Or as I like to call it "a woman's painful way of being safe" against pregnancy. There are a few options we have not to get pregnant or get a nasty disease. Most of them involve only the female species. I like to talk about things that I've been through myself, so here is my story.
I starting using the 2 month injection and in the beginning it worked fine. I was happy with not having to go through my menstrual cycle and the pain and discomfort that brings so on I went. After a few shots I started getting my period for weeks and weeks at a time but I listened to my nurse when she told me to push through. Don't be afraid to go for a second maybe even a third opinion if what you're using isn't working for you.
Well I got fed up. I went to someone else who gave me the implant option and I took it. So while it wasn't sore when they "implanted" the little thing it does hurt afterwards when the life comes back. Apparently it only lasts for a day or two but I'm black and blue and it feels like a octopus got a hold of my arm and it's trying to squeeze my arm off.
Now comes my question: Why do we as woman have to go through all the pain and effort. Why is it required of only a woman to do this? It's old fashioned, sexist and crap. Why can't men get a shot or have an IUD inserted into his penis as not to get his wife or girlfriend pregnant? Sometimes the universe and the rules really does suck.
Don't get me wrong. I am a proud woman. I love my body and I love that if I want to one day I can have children. Can't the pain of it all just be evenly divided among the interested parties or eliminated.
So here I sit with my implant hoping things will get better. Half human, half robot.
Be well
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