
Showing posts from August, 2017


I GOT THIS There comes a time, maybe a few times, when you feel you just can't do it. You're not up for the challenge, you haven't got what it takes, you can't "man up" or wear your big girl panties and do it. It's not uncommon to feel less than qualified to do something, anything that you set your mind to or that which was given to you to do. We all have that "oh crap" moment when people expect something from you and you do not feel up to the task. Sometimes it just makes more sense not to work toward something or tell someone you can do it than failing and falling on your face. Well, that's not true. Isn't it better to have tried and fail than to not try and never knowing what you are capable of doing. I've had that situation where I thought I am not good enough to do this, I am not qualified and I can't. And you know what, that which I have made myself to believe was what happened. I didn't try anymore, I ju...


SINGLE IN 2017 So I am thirty five years old and I am single. Why is that so hard to admit, why in this day and age all that everyone expects of us is to be in a relationship. Because being alone means you're lonely? Being single means no one wants you? You're single because your baggage is too much to handle? You know what I think of that, bullshit... To all of it. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're lonely, I know many people who love their own company (present company included). Just because you're single doesn't mean no one wants you or you're too much too handle, it just means that you haven't met that one person who sees all of you and wants it all. Okay so I have a few people in my life who thinks I'm just full of nonsense when it comes to men. They say I have too many expectations and I should just take the one that comes along who shows interest. With that in mind I could have been married, maybe even more than on...
BITCHY MUCH... Every woman knows the feeling. You know that moment when you either want to slap someone or tell them what you really feel and what you really think. Hey, it's not my fault there's people in this world that has the capability to irritate me just by walking into the room. Some people say it's PMS that drives the bitchiness to the front but I say don't blame the hormones, blame the people that knows how to get on my last nerve... So yesterday started off fine, I came to work, I had everything ready to make the day a very good one. You see I love my job, and I do it good. Then stupid people happened...I know, I know it's not polite to say someone's stupid but come on you know what I'm talking about right.  Within fifteen minutes after they arrived my whole day was ruined and I just might have let the bitchiness run amok and ruin someone else's day. I had to apologize... I still feel pretty bad over how I reacted in the moment ...
BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF For a very long time I had this idea that I need to change myself to fit into society, to be like the next person, to be able to fit in and be accepted. And for a long time that was exactly what I did and I was the most unhappy person. I couldn't understand why when i was excepted by everyone and I was fitting in why I was that unhappy. Still for years I just lived the life that I was told to, I did what everyone else did with no thought of what I want for myself. Until one day when I didn't recognized myself, I've become this whole other person and I didn't like the person that I have become. Then and there I decided to strip away all of this other person that was suffocating who I really am. It wasn't easy, it didn't happen right away because it's difficult just throwing away a certain way of thinking and doing things. It took time and hard work, looking inside and finding the real you. We've become so used to people ...