There comes a time, maybe a few times, when you feel you just can't do it. You're not up for the challenge, you haven't got what it takes, you can't "man up" or wear your big girl panties and do it.

It's not uncommon to feel less than qualified to do something, anything that you set your mind to or that which was given to you to do. We all have that "oh crap" moment when people expect something from you and you do not feel up to the task. Sometimes it just makes more sense not to work toward something or tell someone you can do it than failing and falling on your face.

Well, that's not true. Isn't it better to have tried and fail than to not try and never knowing what you are capable of doing. I've had that situation where I thought I am not good enough to do this, I am not qualified and I can't. And you know what, that which I have made myself to believe was what happened. I didn't try anymore, I just believed that I couldn't do it because I wasn't good enough. And you know we take in all these negative thoughts from ourselves and words from others and we make that what we think of ourselves. We fill ourselves with others opinions and we start to believe that that is the truth.

One day I got an e-mail and my first thought wasn't no I can't, it was YES, I can and I will! So here I am many moons later and I am doing it, and I am enjoying every moment of it. Since that day I decided to change the way I see myself. Not to allow others opinion to shape who I am but to start and make something of myself that was worthy of my own admiration. Does that make sense... I am proud of myself. I stood up and I decided to change and it happened and it is still happening every day. Everything is perfect now but it is worth fighting for and working hard to achieve the best.

Never allow others and even your own negative thoughts to shape you. Choose who you want to be and what you want to achieve and make it happen. You can do it. I believe you CAN!!

Till later


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