Everyone always tells you to just keep believing. Hold out hope and be strong. Well in the face of what you're going through that isn't always that easy. 

I've looked up the meaning of hope. 
"a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen"; 

These past couple of weeks for me has been hard. I've gone through a few things and I've realized there is only one person always there, me. It's hard to hope for something when you can't see the end picture. When you don't know how the story will end. 

How do you keep that expectation alive in the face of the circumstances around you. When you can't see a way out or a way through. You want to trust and believe but it's hard when it seems impossible. How do you trust through the pain of past experiences?

I've read recently that pain is real but so is hope. Hope is being optimistic of what is to come. Or what you hope is to come in the future. Only when it's dark can you see the stars.

This thing called hope isn't easy. Like believing it's blindly going with your heart no matter what your brain says. It's difficult and makes us uneasy. We need numbers and statistics and certainty before we follow someone. "Never go in blind " is what they say. 

How about I challenge us all. Fall blindly into hope. Let yourself believe that the thing you're hoping for is going to happen. Sometimes hope is all you have when you have when you have nothing else. And I know what that feels like to have only hope.

Hope is the little voice you hear whisper "maybe" when it seems the whole world is screaming no!

Hold on baby!

Till later


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