So I'm turning thirty five this year and I realized a few things this last few months.

 One thing about being in your thirties is your tolerance for bullshit goes waaayyyy down. I find it better to just give people the look, you know the look that says I'm listening, but no way you're hearing anything that comes out of their mouth. Or you nod, smile and turn around and roll our eyes.  Sometimes I think I might just roll my eyes and vanish into another dimension.

Some days I think being in your thirties means it's all downhill from now. Okay so I do go home after work and would much better put on my pajamas and sit on the couch watching some TV show that long ago lost it's appeal, eat something unhealthy than doing anything constructive. But that doesn't necessarily mean you're youth is over and your fun gene has died a slow and painful death...

I recently found that you can still have a lot of fun.

No, I won't go into any details but life after thirty can just be the beginning of an unexpected surprise. And I urge any lady (or guy) to grab the opportunity with both hands and make yourself the hero of your own story.

Buy that running shoes and go for that walk, loose the weight, color your hair purple, wear those heals, eat that chocolate, do what will make you happy and embrace life after thirty. 

Single, in a relationship, married, divorced it doesn't really matter. You can still be the best version of yourself even if it took you a little while longer to get there then expected.

Thirty is the new me.
Till later


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