"Dealing with the male race"

Today is one of those days that I wish I stayed in bed. Well to be honest that actually started yesterday. Let me be very honest with you, I LOVE MY JOB, but what I don't love is the male ego. I am by no means a feminist but these two days made me want to smack a man on the side of the head.

I've heard the saying, 'Common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden" but really why did we get a brain if not for using it even in a small capacity.

The work I do is a male and female dominant job but I work in a sector that is 95% male dominated. For some reason that means I, as a woman, can not give any advice or make any contribution to how something here should work. Well, BULLSHIT. I believe anyone can make a contribution to make something better, or at least be given an opportunity to try.

So yesterday I raised my opinion and I didn't take no for an answer, do you know I good that felt. I felt so empowered and on top of the situation. I remembered to lift my head up and walk proudly. To see the respect in the eyes of the rest of the men for standing up and saying my peace was priceless.

So maybe we're different in a lot of ways but we are the same in another way, both male 
and female wants to be appreciated, wants to be heard. Why deny a person the chance to be heard. You may  not agree with what that person says but than have that conversation and maybe you could change their mind or they can change yours.

Everything isn't magically fixed now, I am still going to have to stand up to be heard but we take small steps at a time to make a difference. Great leaps will only make you fall flat on your face and ruin your lipstick.

Till later


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